Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Beginning

Finally, the week that I believed would never come to an end is over, and I can start to breathe again. My experience thus far has been incredible, and looking back, I do not know what I was ever nervous about to begin with. The Learning Community and the people within it have given me something to fall back on when I am worried about how I going to possibly finish all my homework; knowing that 20 or so other people have the exact same classes and concerns that I do is reassuring.

So far, I think the classes I am taking will be extremely beneficial for the Brazil trip. I love going from class to class, being able to see how business and sociology affect one another and how the future of the globe is affected as well. I had no idea that Brazil is on its way to becoming one of the most powerful countries in the world. Globalization, especially with the outsourcing of jobs to other countries, is something I now take into greater consideration when thinking of the economy, unemployment, and how this country can bounce back from the recession. Because so many jobs are being given to overseas employers for less pay, the United States will inevitably face more unemployment problems. So as American businesses profit from the cheap labor of other countries, American workers lose out on jobs. The long term effects for this compromise could be devastating for the country. It is scary to think that the U.S. could be drastically worse off in 15 years, but it is also exciting to think that other countries will be experiencing huge rewards for the innovative initiatives they are taking today. I have learned all of this information from combining KSU 1111, BUSA 1000, and SOCI 2201, which is something very few people can say about their college classes.

Outside of class, I have been busy managing my life away from my parents and living on campus. I am definitely happy about my choice to live here, especially when there are others in the PEGS program living so close by. Also, the places to play ultimate Frisbee are basically unlimited which is great.

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. I am so pleased to read that you are feeling the integration of our classes! We are trying to pull this all together into a nice package for you.

    Best wishes on the ultimate Frisbee. I saw a crowd playing Frisbee on the Green the other night, but I don't know if it was "ultimate." I'm not sure what "ultimate" is! - But I hope you put a Frisbee in your suitcase and show us in Brazil!
