Sunday, September 26, 2010


This week was the most stressful thus far, with back to back essays and quizzes.  Still, things improved a lot over the weekend.  I went to the hockey game, climbed Kennesaw Mountain, and went to college night at the High Museum.  Those events definitely made up for the craziness of classes, and I am ready to start a new week.

As busy as this week was, it was very apropriate that time management was at the forefront of the discussion in KSU 1111.  For me, that class solidified the idea that working ahead and planning out the semester before hand will make my life significantly less chaotic.  I loved one of the quotes in the book that said how time is always passing, regardless of whether or not we use it effectively of waste it.  It was also somewhat ironic that I saw Salvador Dali's work featured at the High considering one of his most famous painting emphasizes time and its lack of structure:  In Business, Tuesday's topic pertained to public speaking, specifically about how to plan for it.  From that discussion, I took away that the best thing I can do for myself when public speaking is being prepared.  By applying time management and taking your time to formulate exactly what you want to say, you will feel more confident and be more knowledgeable.  However, if you wait until the night before, your speech will not be nearly as effective. 

In Sociology, we did not talk about anything relating to time management, but I enjoyed the discussion on social stratification.  In the U.S., we do not have a strict caste system or defined class structure.  Instead, several factors like class position, status, and power affect how we view others.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize the High Museum had a college night. Glad you took advantage of it! - Go grab every opportunity that comes your way (as long as your time management rules allow!)

    Thanks for your blog - I'm so pleased this is going so well for you!
