Sunday, October 3, 2010

Carlinhos Brown

I think I will spend most of this blog talking about Carlinhos Brown because I finished my Executive Summary about him a couple of hours ago, and I am overwhelmingly impressed with him.  First, his music is really enjoyable and I completely understand why he is so popular.  Second, Brown's percussive skills are incredible.  The fact that he is mainly self-taught seems crazy to me.  His talent is purely natural, and he is so good that he landed a job a a radio station and began producing when he was still a teenager.  Third, what is more awesome than any of this is the fact that he has created numerous activities for people in Salvador, the same city he grew up in.  He understands on a personal level what the people of the favelas are experiencing and works to solve their problems.  He recognizes the need for jobs, so one of his schools teaches children percussion, sewing, and fashion.  Most people with his status just donate money to a cause without actually getting involved.  I find this very irresponsible considering their voice can influence thousands of people.  Brown, on the other hand, has been a huge advocate for getting people out of the slums and creating a bigger middle class.  He genuinely loves his city and wants it to be known for the productive people, not the poverty.  I love this quote of his because I think he describes himself perfectly:

"People ask me if I smile when I rise in the morning.  My mouth hurts with smiling so much because I have got music.  It is a good way of living, making music.  It's a gift from God.  I've got it on loan."

For me, this quote sums up the impact he has had on the community of Salvador.  He takes his musical talents and makes the world a better place; what more could he do?

Last week, I did not do much outside of school except homework and go to another hockey game (which we lost...badly). I have big plans for this week, however I will save that for the next blog.

1 comment:

  1. Your presentation in BUSA was EXCELLENT! Thank you! I enjoy Brown and I enjoyed your discussion about his great work!
