Sunday, November 21, 2010


It's hard to believe that we have two days of class, Thanksgiving break, and finals until the semester is over.  It's crazy to think that at the beginning of the semester, most of us were strangers, but now I feel like I have really gotten to know every person in PEGS.  This week, I had my interview for PEGS with Dr. Becky Casey.  The interview went great!  She was such an awesome lady to talk to, and I appreciated that she seemed to genuinely care about what I had to say.  I feel like sometimes my goals catch people off guard, but I think she really understood where I was coming from.  Also, I am in the midst of applying to be a Resident Assistant in Fall 2011.  It is a job that I would love to have, so hopefully my personality shines through in the essays I am writing for the application.

I think the thing that impacted me the most this week was listening to Dr. Betty Siegel speak.  The message I took away from her was that every moment can be put to good use.  The time she took to form relationships with people and put a smile on the faces of others really made a difference in the long-run and allowed her to leave a legacy.  I think a big reason as to why she has become so successful is because of the genuine connections she made with others along the way.  Oftentimes, particularly in College, I think people are encouraged to talk to others because they could provide them with a job or an internship.  But Dr. Siegel befriended people at the Waffle House out of genuine sincerity and ultimately, the dedication she showed toward those friendships allowed her to be considered a Waffle House "legend."  Although it is not the most prestigious title, it allowed her to find a home away from home where she knew that she would be in good company.

This Thanksgiving I will be traveling to New York City to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade because my brother will be playing in the only marching band from Georgia in the parade this year.  Here is a picture of them featured in the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

Maybe I will stop by the New York Stock Exchange while I am visiting...we will have to see!

1 comment:

  1. YOU WERE IN NYC!?! Yeah! Is this your first visit? Did you see the NYSE? Time Square? Broadway? I love NYC!

    Tell me all about it!
